
Cashewnut (Anacardium occidentale L.) a cash crop also called as Dollar earning crop. Maharashtra is leading state in production and productivity of cashew due to maximum adaptation of high yielding varieties and modern technologies developed by the Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli, Ratnagiri. The study entitled, “Technological change in cashew production in south Konkan region (Maharashtra) – an economic analysis” was undertaken specific objectives, to estimate the technical efficiency in cashew production across level of adoption and to assess the impact of technology on productivity. 320 cashew growers were selected for the study. Technical efficiency for all farms were calculated by using frontier production function and then the farms were grouped into three categories. As the results show that, in Vengurla - 4 variety orchard more farms had medium technical efficiency i.e., between 50 to 75 per cent as compared to low (< 50%) and high (> 75%) technical efficiency group. Average per cent of technical efficiency at overall level was 67.19 per cent. Among the groups such as low, medium and high adopters it was 59.34 per cent, 56.37 per cent and 90.25 per cent, respectively. At overall level about 62 farms had high technical efficiency more than 75 per cent, 233 farms had medium technical efficiency (50 to 75%) and about 25 farms had low technical efficiency (less than 50%). The use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection chemicals were sparse. This concluded that the farmers were not properly aware about the use of chemical fertilizers and followed the pest management schedule. It is also showed that, there is potential to increase the yield, through technology adoption. For increasing farm income of the farmer, they must be using the modern cashew production technologies.

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