
Family functioning is characterized by the regularity of ordinary family activities, the efficiency of family communication and problem-solving, the closeness of the family, and how well-adjusted the family members are to one another. The family is a critical context in which adolescents work on the major task of identity formation. This study aimed to find out the impact of family functioning on the personal adjustment, attitudes, personalities, and academic achievement of third- and fourth-year college students. The descriptive survey type of research was used in this study to gather the necessary data. There is a significant relationship between family functioning and personal adjustment attitudes towards self, school, and others. Family functioning has a great impact on the personality in terms of dominance-submission, emotional stability, emotional maturity, and academic achievement. Therefore, the school will have to initiate a program for the promotion of intellectual, emotional, and social maturity through varied activities. Parents should also keep close track of their students’ progress in school.

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