
In the last decade, digital technology has alleviated the importance of economical,geographical, social and political barriers and lessened the transaction costs. This is thus making the productivity, governance more transparent and empowering citizens. Does it provide a level playing field for men and women alike to optimize on the available digital resources or does the gender divide manifest itself in digital diversity. Today the digital transformation provides new avenues for economic empowerment of women and can contribute to greater gender equality. Internet, digital platforms, mobile phones, e-commerce and digital financial services offer phenomenal opportunities for all and can help bridge the divide by giving women the scope to earn additional income, increase their employment opportunities and access knowledge and information. Various studies and research revealthat structural inequalities do remain in the society which inhibits gender parity. Hurdles to access, affordability, lack of education as well as inherent biases and socio-cultural norms curtail women’s ability to benefit from the opportunities offered by digital transformation. The gender stereotypes and the proverbial glass ceiling positions the women on wrong side of the digital diversity. Tapping the huge potential of digital technology and achieving truly transformative empowerment which challenges traditional gender roles, would require a coordinated effort across the stake holders in addressing the gendered nature of ICTs and gendered socio-cultural and economic environment.

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