
Imam Bukhari was awarded the title of “Emir of believers in hadith science” in the Islamic world. His work “al-Tarikh al-kabir” along with “al-Jami as-Sahih” is of great importance in his such recognition. This work was created as a result of his many years of research on topics such as the transmission of hadiths to Muhammad (PBUH), the reliability of the narrators in the isnad chain, and the absence of defects in the text of the hadith. “Tafarrud ar-rawi” (the narration of a hadith by only one narrator and the absence of another narration by its text) is one of the important topics of research on determining the level of reliability of hadiths. Imam Bukhari did not use the terms “fard” or “gharib” for the narration of the narrator who was isolated in the narration, instead, he used the expressions “la yutabau alayhi” and “la yutabau ala hadisihi”. The article analyzes the information on this issue in Imam Bukhari’s work “at-Tarikh al-Kabir” and reveals the method of the muhaddith in this regard.

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