
Abstract Based on a diachronic case study of history textbooks used in Slovak primary and secondary schools since 1918, this article discusses the roles biographies of historical heroes can play in school education. The case study analyses history textbook narratives about the medieval ruler Svätopluk published during three different political regimes, tracing their heritage up to present-day history textbooks. The text argues that the presentation of Svätopluk’s qualities, talents and achievements has been used not only in depicting him as a representative of the community, and as a desired prototype of a good citizen, but also in the formation of negative stereotypes about the representatives of the Other. This excluded significant segments of pupils of certain national minorities from the mainstream narrative and labeled them as enemies. An examination of the images of Svätopluk in history textbooks confirmed that these were politically motivated and influenced by current ideologies. However, it also showed that 19th century Romanticist ideals, resulting in apologetic and nation defending narratives, remained an integral part of history textbooks throughout the 20th century, prevailing over the narratives offered by official contemporary historiography.

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