
Thermoluminescence (TL) response of contaminating minerals from six samples of pulses commonly consumed in Pakistan has been studied for identification of irradiation treatment. The samples were irradiated by Co-60 gamma rays at 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 kGy, or by 10 MeV electrons using an accelerator at 0.75 and 2.2. kGy. Generally, the TL intensity for minerals separated from irradiated samples was higher than for unirradiated samples. To normalize the results, separated minerals deposited on stainless steel discs were re-irradiated by a normalizing dose and TL response was redetermined. The ratio of the area of the first glow curve to the second glow curve was more than 0.8 for all irradiated samples and less than 0.33 for most of the unirradiated samples. For those unirradiated samples where the ratio of the glow curves was more then 0.03, the shapes of the glow curves were compared. Taking this criterion into consideration, all 21 unirradiated and irradiated samples of pulses were identified correctly. Therefore, a normalization procedure by re-irradiation of minerals and analysis of TL glow curve shapes lead to unequivocal identification of radiation treatment of pulses.

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