In comparison to the conventional complementary pull-up and pull-down logic structure, the pass transistor logic (PTL) family reduces the number of transistors required to perform logic functions, thereby reducing both area and power consumption. However, this logic family requires inter-stage inverters to ensure signal integrity in cascaded logic circuits, and inverters must be used to provide each logical input signal in its complementary form. These inverters and complementary signals increase the device count and significantly degrade overall system efficiency. Dual-gate ambipolar field-effect transistors natively provide a single-transistor XNOR operation and permit highly-efficient and compact circuits due to their ambipolar capabilities. Similar to PTL, logic circuits based on ambipolar field-effect transistors require complementary signals. Therefore, numerous inverters are required, with significant energy and area costs. Ambipolar field-effect transistors are a natural match for PTL, as hybrid ambipolar-PTL circuits can simultaneously use these inverters to satisfy their necessity in both PTL and ambipolar circuits. We therefore propose a new hybrid ambipolar-PTL logic family that exploits the compact logic of PTL and the ambipolar capabilities of ambipolar field-effect transistors. Novel hybrid ambipolar-PTL circuits were designed and simulated in SPICE, demonstrating strong signal integrity along with the efficiency advantages of using the required inverters to simultaneously satisfy the requirements of PTL and ambipolar circuits. In comparison to the ambipolar field-effect transistors in the conventional CMOS logic structure, our hybrid full adder circuit can reduce propagation delay by 47%, energy consumption by 88%, energy-delay product by a factor of 9, and area-energy-delay product by a factor of 20.
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