
One of our main tasks is the continuous, as detailed as possible measurement and observation of the state of atmosphere and its meteorological parameters. Thus, we perform surface measurements and observations, atmospheric physical measurements, upper-air (radiosonde) measurements, operate the different remote-sensing instruments such as weather radar, windprofiler, SODAR, lightning detection system and satellite receivers. We collected, processed the measured data and transmitted them to the central database. We ensured the regular control, maintenance, repair and calibration of the different measuring and automatic equipment. We modernized the data collection system of the automated surface observation network successfully, according to the plans. From the earlier 1 and 3 hourly data collection procedure, we switched to the GPRS-based central data collection in every 10 minutes. In some minutes following the measurement, the data are available for the users, such helping and supporting climate and forecasting duties. The continuous remote connection enables the control of data collectors and sensors and the correction of most of the failures. In the field of remote sensing, the replacement of the EDGE radar control software and hardware and the modification of measurement procedure must be pointed out. The new radar control computers were put into operation at the radar stations. The installation of the new radar control software package EDGE 5 involved the modification of the post-processing procedures as well. The preparation of 1-, 3and 6-hourly precipitation fields has been updated and 2D wind fields derived from radar data appear in the HAWK. The regional centers support invariably with the usual thoroughness the work of the customers in the given region. The two-year calibration cycle of the traditional measuring instruments was over, so these instruments were replaced by newly calibrated ones. Taking into consideration the new expectations, measuring instruments replacing the traditional measurements appeared also in the network of the Hungarian Meteorological Service (HMS), which brings great challenges for both the observers and the experts. As first, the Vaisala cloud base meter was installed

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