
On the basis of research carried out in the XI round of ecological and agrochemical certification, the humus condition of the soils of the lowland zone of the Zakarpattia region is shown.Qualitative and quantitative changes in soil properties and the content of humus and nutrients in it are influenced by long-term and systematic soil cultivation, application of mineral fertilizers, chemical land reclamation, as well as the introduction of crop rotation. In recent years, almost a third of the "golden" reserves of humus have been lost from the bank of national soil fertility in Ukraine. Every five years, the soils of Ukraine lose 0.04% - 0.05% of humus, that is, 300 - 350 kg disappear in one year [1]. The main accumulator of soil energy, the regulator of the water-absorbing capacity of the soil, its biological activity is the organic substance - humus. Therefore, the content, reserves and qualitative condition of humus are among the important indicators, the level of which depends on almost all the agronomically valuable properties of the soil. The growth of humus content is a long-term process, and its decrease is extremely fast. The problem of humus is extremely important for the soils of Transcarpathia, as a large amount of precipitation (more than 700 mm per year) contributes to its leaching. In addition, meager rates of organic fertilizers, due to the decrease in livestock, do not compensate for the removal of humus from the soil. Key words: soils, humus, biologization, agrochemical certification, lowland zone

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