
In the southwestern part of the Central Chernozem Region, mineral fertilizers enhance the mineralization of organic matter. The introduction of manure contributed to an increase in the content of humus in the soil. The maximum humus content in the soil - 5.23% was noted in the variant with aftereffect of 80 t/ha of manure. Between 2013 and 2019, the application of mineral fertilizers led to acidification of the soil solution. The effect of manure at a dose of 40 t/ha and the application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N90P60К60 against the aftereffect of 80 t/ha of manure has a positive effect on the reaction of the soil environment, the absolute pHKCL increases to 5.88 units and 5.84 units respectively, which corresponds to a neutral soil reaction. Regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers and their joint application change the content of active forms of cadmium in the soil. The systematic application of mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers and the application of mineral fertilizers against the manure aftereffect leads to an increase in active forms of cadmium in the soil and, therefore, can have a negative impact on the agroecological state of the soil. The use of fertilizers in different doses did not significantly affect the change in the content of gross forms of cadmium, however, its slight increase was observed in all cases, its content in the soil was 0.38-0.14 mg/kg lower than the UEC. The highest content of gross forms of cadmium was noted on variants with the introduction of mineral fertilizers against the aftereffect of manure. The mobility coefficient of cadmium from 2013 to 2019 changed upwards in the variants with the introduction of mineral fertilizers, aftereffect of manure and the introduction of mineral fertilizers against the aftereffect of 40 t/ha of manure. The introduction of mineral fertilizers against a background of 80 t / ha of manure led to a decrease in the cadmium mobility coefficient.

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