
Goal. Defining the current features of human capital development as a basis for innovative development of modern agricultural enterprise. Method. Methods of comparative analysis, system-structural, generalization, economic-statistical, abstract-logical, monographic, methods of analysis and synthesis were used in the research. Results. Human capital is one of the most important resources of a modern agricultural enterprise. However, today there is a decrease in the number of employees employed in agriculture, so the decrease amounted to 59 thousand people in 2020 compared to 2015, which was 14.1%. Although the average level of wages in agriculture is at the level of the average full-time employee in Ukraine, its level remains very low and not interesting for young professionals. Thus, the average salary of an agricultural worker in January 2021 amounted to 12,733 UAH / month. Changes in the structure of employment of agricultural producers, which may occur with the introduction of digitalization, new technologies, equipment and tools, are presented. The survey of agricultural enterprises showed that the introduction of digitalization in the production process will reduce the number of staff, according to 39.2% of crop enterprises, livestock - 60.5%, and mixed production - 44.2% of the surveyed enterprises. The results of the survey predict the dismissal of 1% - 10% of agricultural workers. Practical significance. The conducted research and their analysis reveal the need for the formation of effective human capital. It can be formed only in the directed and cumulative actions of both enterprises and the state, taking into account the current needs of human capital. Scientific novelty. Identifying the need of modern agricultural enterprises for new professions, trends in existing ones, accompanied by a possible reduction in the number of employees, or the need for retraining and retraining of existing staff and attracting specialists with new skills and qualifications - which will promote innovative development of modern enterprises.

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