
The Ministry of Health in Alamsyah, (2017) states that smoking behavior is an activity of burning one of the tobacco products, then smoking or inhaling the smoke, including clove cigarettes, white cigarettes, cigars or other forms produced from the nicotina tabacum, nicotina rustica and other species. The classification of smokers consists of: light smokers (1-4 cigarettes/day), moderate smokers (5-14 cigarettes/day), heavy smokers (> 15 cigarettes/day). This study was conducted to obtain an overview of the health of the periodontal tissue in people who smoke on the island of Harapan. Data were collected by classifying smokers and intra-oral examination of CPITN on every community who smoked on the island of Harapan whose results were recorded on the examination sheet. This examination was carried out in January 2020. The data were analyzed by Univariate and Bivariate. Based on the results of research on male smokers in Harapan Island, Seribu Islands region, it can be concluded that there are no smokers who have a score of 0 or have healthy periodontal tissue. In the category of moderate smokers, the highest number of CIPTN 2 scores or had tartar on the sub gingiva was 9 people (52.9%), while in the heavy smoker group the highest score also had CIPTN 2 scores or had tartar on the sub gingiva as many as 18 people (48,6%). The statistical test results obtained P = 0.029 where the P value <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the proportion of the classification of smokers to the state of the periodontal tissue calculated based on the CIPTN status or there is a significant relationship between the classification of smokers and the state of the periodontal tissue calculated by the CIPTN score).


  • Menurut Sumerti (2016), rokok telah menjadi kebiasaan bagi kehidupan, rokok merupakan masalah bagi kesehatan masyarakat di dunia, sekitar tiga juta manusia di dunia meninggal akibat rokok

  • other forms produced from the nicotina tabacum

  • This study was conducted to obtain an overview of the health of the periodontal tissue

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Menurut Sumerti (2016), rokok telah menjadi kebiasaan bagi kehidupan, rokok merupakan masalah bagi kesehatan masyarakat di dunia, sekitar tiga juta manusia di dunia meninggal akibat rokok. 91-97 merokok pada penduduk Indonesia secara nasional persentase penduduk umur 10 tahun ke atas yang merokok setiap hari adalah 28,8%. Gigi dan jaringan lunak rongga mulut merupakan bagian yang mengalami kerusakan akibat rokok, seperti kebersihan mulut, karies gigi, penyakit periodontal, memperlambat penyembuhan luka, lesi pre kanker, dan kanker mulut adalah kasus yang ditemukan pada perokok (Kusuma, 2012 dalam Sumerti, 2016). Kerusakan jaringan periodontal yang lebih parah pada kelompok perokok disebabkan adanya ketidakseimbangan antara serangan bakteri dan respon jaringan. Zat kimia dalam rokok dapat merusak jaringan gusi dengan cara mempengaruhi perlekatan antara tulang dan jaringan lunak ke gigi, pengaruh ini yang menyebabkan perokok lebih rentan terhadap infeksi seperti penyakit periodontal. Berdasarkan data dari Riskesdas dalam Tambunan, dkk, (2018), penyakit periodontal merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang memiliki prevalensi cukup tinggi di masyarakat sebesar 95,58%. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, peneliti ingin membuat penelitian yang berjudul “Hubungan Klasifikasi Perokok dengan Kesehatan Jaringan Periodontal Masyarakat yang Merokok di Pulau Harapan diukur dengan Skor CIPTN.”

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