
This study is aimed to determine the relationship between learning styles and intelligences with learning outcomes chemistry class XI IPA at MAN 1 Samarinda. This research is quantitative research. The research methodology used in this study is a quantitative survey research method with correlation approach.
 This research, which acts as the sample is whole class XI IPA MAN 1 Samarinda Academic Year 2020/2021, total number is 107 students. The research instrument used to collect data for the learning styles questionnaire in the form of sheet, the data intelligence was required from IQ test results of students (IQ test instrument: progressive matrices) while learning outcome data of value semester exam results of academic year 2019. Data analysis was conducted to determine how strong the relationship between learning styles and intelligences with learning outcomes chemistry class XI IPA.
 Based on the research results, it is showing a positive relationship between learning style with chemistry student learning outcomes, the partial correlation coefficient of 0.102 (do very low), the coefficient of determination (p Y12) = 0.017, meaning that 1.7% of variance results of studying chemistry (Y ) can be explained by chemistry learning styles (X1) via regression y = 65.880 + 0.062 X1. Sedaang 98.3% variation in chemistry learning outcomes (Y) caused by other factors. There is a positive relationship between intelligence with chemistry student learning outcomes, the partial correlation coefficient of 0.301 (low relationship), the coefficient of determination (p Y12) = 0.096, meaning that 9.6% of variance results of studying chemistry (Y) can be explained by the learning styles chemistry (X1) via regression Y = 51.877 + 0.188 X2. While 90.4% of the variation of chemical learning outcomes (Y) caused by other factors.
 There is a positive relationship between learning styles and intelligence together with chemistry student learning outcomes, the partial correlation coefficient (R) of 0.325 (low relationship), (R2) coefficient of determination (p Y12) = 0.106 (10.6% ). This means that 10.6% of the studied chemistry class XI Science MAN 1 Samarinda influenced by the styles of learning and intelligence while the remaining 89.4% is influenced by other factors. This relationship is expressed by multiple linear regression Y = 46.654 + 0,047 X1 + 0,182 X2.
 Key words : Learning Styles, Intelligence, Learning Outcomes

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