
The article examines the forms of interaction between the state, business and educational organizations in order to train personnel with secondary vocational education for the needs of the modern economy. It is generally recognized that for the successful development of the economy of any state and its constituent regions, a sufficient number of working personnel is needed, the level of training of which corresponds to the level of development of the productive forces. In the absence of a dialogue between the state system of personnel training and representatives of industrial enterprises, the implementation of this task is very difficult. After all, it is the enterprises that form the need for labor. In addition, the current pace of technological progress sets special requirements for the speed of entry into the labor market of specialists who have the skills to work on modern equipment. All this requires an immediate revision of approaches to the development of the vocational education system, constant updating of the material and technical base of professional educational organizations. The most successful is the cluster approach to the organization of the economic space of the regions. At the same time, such an approach is currently used only to combine the efforts of the state, business and scientific institutions in order to introduce the results of scientific developments into the activities of economic entities. In this regard, this study suggests considering the possibility of creating educational and industrial clusters as an institution that unites the interests of the state, business and educational organizations on the basis of partnership agreements. In addition, the article offers a set of tax preferences in order to encourage industry enterprises to invest in the system of secondary vocational education.



  • The article examines the forms of interaction between the state, business and educational organizations in order to train personnel with secondary vocational education for the needs of the modern economy

  • The current pace of technological progress sets special requirements for the speed of entry into the labor market of specialists who have the skills to work on modern equipment. All this requires an immediate revision of approaches to the development of the vocational education system, constant updating of the material and technical base of professional educational organizations

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СКВОРЦОВА МАРГАРИТА АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА, НЕУМЫВАКИН ВИКТОР СЕРГЕЕВИЧ, Цитирование: Скворцова М.А., Неумывакин В.С. (2021). В статье исследуются формы взаимодействия государства, бизнеса и образовательных организаций в целях подготовки кадров со средним профессиональным образованием под запросы современной экономики. Общепризнанным является тот факт, что для успешного развития экономики любого государства и входящих в его состав регионов необходимо достаточное количество рабочих кадров, уровень подготовки которых соответствует уровню развития производительных сил.

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