
The main aim of this paper is to specify how researchers could carry out high-quality evaluations of the effect of CCTV on crime rates. Five criteria of methodological quality are described: statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, construct validity, external validity and descriptive validity. The quality of CCTV evaluations can be assessed using the Maryland scientific methods scale. The minimum acceptable evaluation design is to have before and after measures of crime in experimental and comparable control areas. Desirable features of future evaluations include using several experimental and control areas, conducting a randomized experiment, carrying out surveys of potential victims and potential offenders, having a long time series of crime rates before and after CCTV, measuring displacement and diffusion of benefits by using adjacent and non-adjacent control areas, testing hypotheses about mediators and moderators, carefully measuring features of the CCTV scheme and features of persons and settings, having independent evaluators and carrying out cost-benefit analysis.

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