Franco–Russian NAMES Seminars are held for the purpose of reviewing and discussing actual developments in the fieldof materials science by researchers from Russia and from the Lorraine Region of France. In more preciseterms, as set down by the organizers of the seminar (the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys and the InstitutNational Polytechnique de Lorraine), the mission of the seminars is as follows:the development of scientific and academic contacts, giving a new impulse to joint fundamental research and technology transfer the development and consolidation of scientific, technical and business collaboration between the regions of Russia and Lorraine through direct contact between the universities, institutes and companies involved The first Seminar took place on 27–29 October 2004, at the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine(on the premises of the Ecole Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux, Nancy, France). Thenumber, variety and quality of the oral presentations given and posters exhibited at the first Seminar wereof high international standard. 30 oral presentations were given and 72 posters were presented by19 participants from five universities and three institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences participants from 11 laboratories of three universities from the Lorraine region three industrial companies, including the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company—EADS, and ANVAR (Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche)From 2005 onwards, it was decided to organize the Seminar every other year. The second Seminar convened onthe occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys on 10–12 November 2005in Moscow, Russia. The seminar demonstrated the efficiency of the scientific partnership founded between theresearch groups of Russia and France during the first Seminar. High productivity of the Franco–Russianscientific cooperation on the basis of the Research-Educational Franco–Russian International Centre wasdemonstrated. By the high standards of the reports presented, as well as by its overall organization, thesecond Seminar met the standards of an international conference.Reviews of state-of-the-art developments in materials science were given by leading scientists fromMoscow and from the Lorraine region. The three days of the seminar were structured into four mainthemes:Functional Materials Coatings, Films and Surface Engineering Nanomaterials and NanotechnologiesThe Environmentand three Round Table discussions:Defining practical means of carrying out Franco–Russian collaborations in technology transfer and innovation Materials science ARCUS: Lorraine–Russian collaboration in materials science and the environment32 oral and 25 poster presentations within four sections were given by a total of 110 participants.NAMES 2007, the 3rd Franco–Russian Seminar on New Achievements in Materials and EnvironmentalSciences, took place in Metz, France on 7–9 November 2007. The conference highlights fundamentals anddevelopment of the five main themes connected to the Lorraine–Russia ARCUS project with possibleextension to other topics.The five main subjects included in the ARCUS project are:Bulk–surface–interface material sciences Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies Environment and natural resourcesPlasma physics—ITER projectVibrational dynamicsThe first, second and third NAMES conferences were financially supported by the followingorganizations:Ambassade de France à Moscou Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy Région LorraineConseil Général de Meurthe et MoselleInstitut National Polytechnique de Lorraine Université de Metz Université Henry PoincaréCNRSANVAR Federal Agency on Science and Innovations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Moscow Committee on Science and TechnologiesMoscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Technological University)The 4th conference is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France and the Lorraine Region Council.The conferences have indicated directions for future research and stimulated the possibilities of cooperationbetween scientists from Lorraine and Russian universities and academic institutions.The participants of the conferences reviewed the remarkable worldwide progress with numerousbreakthroughs in areas of fundamental research and industrial applications, specifically in the fields ofnanomaterials and nanotechnologies, surface engineering, biomaterials and multifunctional coatings,functionally graded materials, new materials for microelectronics and optics, nanostructured thin films andnanodispersion strengthening coatings, combustion synthesis, new micro- and nanosystems and devices,natural resources, environmental sciences, clean technology, and recently, natural fibrous materials, etc.The participants consider that new fundamental knowledge, new materials, and industrial productionmethods generated as a result of international cooperation between both countries will be of interest tothe industrial sector in Lorraine and Moscow, France and Russia.Professor Lev O FilippovCoordinator of NAMES conferences The PDF also contains details of the conference sponsors and organizing committees.
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