
Medical products, made of plants, various tissue substrates of animals and humans, have been used for a long time in human and veterinary medicine. Tissue medications of animal origin have been widely used in veterinary science both for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes and as growth factors for fattening of all species. The development of modern biology and some fields of it, human and veterinary medicine in particular, based on the achievements of advanced technologies, provides an opportunity for the appearance of new effective medications in clinical practice. Over time, after the reorganization of the agricultural sector and veterinary medicine as one of its main divisions, tissue medications began to disappear from the range of medical preparations, and they have been almost forgotten and basically not used in recent years. Veterinary medicines market has become overwhelmed with mainly imported synthetic medications and antibiotics. Meanwhile, clinical practice is experiencing an intensive introduction of medications, produced by private factories, which are combinations and mixtures of various existing pharmacological substances. Their annotations indicate a universal and beneficial effect on the body of almost all domestic animals, birds and bees. The paper is aimed at the feasibility study and the restoration necessity of production and use of tissue preparations in veterinary clinical practice. The materials used for the research are the reports published in scientific journals, collections of scientific editions of universities and research establishments, textbooks, newspapers, etc. We have become the first to create tissue medications such as fetoplacentat, made from the uterus and its contents of different pregnancy term of clinically healthy cows, pigs, mares, dogs and cats, and truthenate, made from the larvae of drones aged 5–7 days, for their application in eterinary medicine, obstetrics and gynecology in particular. Production trials of medications carried out on different pregnant animals, have made it possible to identify their corrective effect on the course of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period, high preventive activity in the development of functional disorders, subinvolution and inflammatory processes of the genital organs, as well as in the treatment of different forms of infertility in animals and for the improvement of spermatogenesis of male breeders. Further research will focus on the development and implementation of effective methods and measures aimed at elimination of infertility and improvement of the reproduction of farming animals on condition of the use of tissue preparations.


  • Medical products, made of plants, various tissue substrates of animals and humans, have been used for a long time in human and veterinary medicine

  • After the reorganization of the agricultural sector and veterinary medicine as one of its main divisions, tissue medications began to disappear from the range of medical preparations, and they have been almost forgotten and basically not used in recent years

  • The paper is aimed at the feasibility study and the restoration necessity of production and use of tissue preparations in veterinary clinical practice

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Kalynovskyi, H., Hryshchuk, H., Yevtukh, L., Honcharenko, V., Zakharin, V., Pobirskyi, М., & Shnaider, V. (2020). Clinical practice is experiencing an intensive introduction of medications, produced by private factories, which are combinations and mixtures of various existing pharmacological substances Their annotations indicate a universal and beneficial effect on the body of almost all domestic animals, birds and bees. Розвиток сучасної біології та окремих її галузей, зокрема гуманної і ветеринарної медицини, що базується на досягненнях прогресивних технологій, дає можливість створити ефективні лікарські засоби для використання в клінічній практиці. Великою популярністю користувались і широко застосовувались тканинні препарати, виготовлені з тканин і органів тварин у ветеринарній медицині не лише з профілактичною та терапевтичною метою, а й як стимулятори росту при відгодівлі всіх видів с.-г. Актуальність теми: Розвиток сучасної біології і окремих її галузей, зокрема гуманної та ветеринарної медицини, що базується на досягненнях прогресивних технологій, дає можливість створити ефективні лікарські засоби для використання в клінічній практиці (Bushuieva, 2013; Nizamov et al, 2019). Мета і завдання дослідження – проаналізувати в історичному аспекті, обґрунтувати доцільність та необхідність відновлення виготовлення і використання у ветеринарній клінічній практиці тканинних препаратів

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