
The objective is to carry out the climatological analysis of the decadal precipitation of the hydrographic basin of the upper course of the Paraiba River and the surrounding municipalities, using a historical rainfall series between the years 1962 to 2019, which can contribute to the decisions of sectors such as socioeconomic, agricultural, irrigation, energy production, water resources and agricultural technicians and decision makers in case of extreme events that may occur. A series of monthly and annual precipitation data collected by the Northeast Development Superintendence and provided by the Executive Water Management Agency of the State of Paraiba was used, despite the variability of the observed data, the series under study between the years was unified from 1962-2014. Local contributions and the Intertropical Convergence Zone acted more intensely in the northern sector and caused most of the rain above normal levels in some decades. The municipal pluviometry information, to the man in the field, can be used by the governmental actions in the planning of the distribution of the seeds and improvement of the production, being of relevant importance to minimize the eventual losses of the planting. Consequently, agroclimatic zoning will determine the best planting time, according to the mesoregion and the specific culture. The influences and actions of large-scale phenomena El Niño, La Niña for decades in studies in the form of adverse phenomena have had their contributions in isolated decades and have left water shortages in almost all reservoirs.

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