
High-energy, high contrast ultrashot laser pulses have been generated by amplification of a Raman-shifted ruby laser radiation in a Nd:glass amplifier. This optical scheme exploits a fortuitous coincidence between the wavelengths of the separate lasers, and the output pulse is dramatically sharpened by two nonlinear Raman processes. A 0.8 ps, 0.15 mJ pulse at the wavelength of 1.056 μm was generated by stimulated Raman scattering of a 2 mJ, 25 ps mode-locked ruby laser pulse in liquid SF 6 and pressured hydrogen. Amplification of the pulse in Nd:phosphate glass rod amplifiers increased the energy to 20 mJ. The brightness of the amplified pulse is 5 × 10 17W cm −2 sr −1. The measured ratio of the amplified pulse brightness to that of ASE exceeded 10 12.

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