
Abstract Pantepui s.l. is a remote, biodiverse region of ~400 000 km2 containing at least five endemic reptile genera and a number of ancient vertebrate lineages. Here, we describe an additional endemic snake genus and species, Paikwaophis krukigen. nov., sp. nov. (Dipsadidae: Xenodontinae), recently collected in the Pantepui cloud forest that sits at the base of the steep cliffs of Roraima-tepui and Wei-Assipu-tepui (table mountains of the Eastern Tepui Chain) in Guyana, South America. Multilocus molecular data strongly support Paikwaophisgen. nov. to be most closely related to Xenopholis Peters, 1869, although both genera are strikingly different morphologically. Osteological and other phenotypic data suggest that Paikwaophis is semi-fossorial; its diet includes minute lizards. Paikwaophis is currently the only known Pantepui endemic snake genus. The immature female holotype is the only known specimen.

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