
Within the last years, HepMC has established itself as the standard event format for simulation of high-energy physics interactions and is commonly used by all LHC experiments. At the energies of the proton-proton collisisions at the LHC, a full description of the generation of these events and the subsequent interactions with the detector typically involves several thousand particles and several hundred vertices. Currently, the HepMC library only provides a text-based representation of these events.HepMCVisual is a visualization package for HepMC events, allowing to interactively browse through the event. Intuitive user guiding and the possibility of expanding/collapsing specific branches of the interaction tree allow quick navigation and visualization of the specific parts of the event of interest to the user. Thus, it may be a valuble tool not only for physics users but also for debugging MonteCarlo event generators.Being based on the ROOT graphics libraries, HepMC visual can be used as a standalone library, as well as interactively from the ROOT console or in combination with the HepMCBrowser interface within the ATLAS software framework.

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