
Health: on the first place, is harmonic and coordinated activity of the weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF), which rules and regulates the functioning of all cells in the material physical body. Since this NEMF is 1,000 times weaker than the biocurrents in the body, its influence is mainly informational. (I know this because I measured this weak field for almost 40 years). Disease: manifests itself first as a disrupted harmony of the informational NEMF and it takes 5 to 7 years to sink at the physical level and manifest itself as a disease with all its symptoms. We know this from the pulse diagnosis commonly used in Asia before acupuncture treatment [1]. If we are smart, we should find ways to detect slight deviations from the harmony of the NEMF at very early stage (with pulse diagnosis [1], voice diagnosis [2], or iris diagnosis [3]) and try to restore the harmony before it has sank to the physical level. This early intervention with informational character is called Info-Energy Medicine. It prevents the diseases before they have appeared. This is especially important for the chronic diseases, the cure of which is slow (‘chronic’ means ‘slow’), difficult and unpredictable [4].

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