
Astrology’ is the influence of the movement and relative position of astral bodies on the development of human fetus, on the human brain, and on the human health (which includes the immune system). Scientists and especially physicists refused to consider the gravitational influences of stars and planets claiming they are too weak to make a difference. However, the scientists completely ignored the electromagnetic influence, which was many times stronger. Our modern science found that the human weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) plays important role in the human body – it rules and regulates everything (including the immune response) [1]. Unable to see and explain possible influence of the astral bodies on the development of a fetus, on the human brain, and on the human health, the scientists named the astrology ‘metaphysics’, which in Greek means ‘beyond physics’. However, with time intolerance was developed to these phenomena, and ‘metaphysics’ became a ‘mocking name’. Meanwhile, physics was further developed and nonlinear physics could explain many of these ‘taboo phenomena’. However, the physicists seem to be afraid to touch the topics mocked ‘metaphysics’, like ‘chakras’ and ‘astrology’. ‘Chakras’ in Sanskrit means ‘spinning wheel’. From the viewpoint of nonlinear physics, being nonlinear the human Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF) must have turbulence manifested with alternating vortices spinning clockwise and anti-vortices spinning counterclockwise – a perfect match for the spinning ‘chakras’? However, since the human NEMF is 1,000 times weaker than the biocurrents of the body and our scientists cannot measure it, the existence of this weak NEMF, which regulates everything (including immune response), is denied (for now).

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