
This article was written to draw attention to the experimentally found facts that external electromagnetic fields (like microwaves) can not only lower the immune response; it can even change the type of species. This is possible because beside the material body, we have biofield - weak electromagnetic field seen as aura. My lifelong studies of the biofield (aura) found that it is weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF), which we can expect to be sensitive to external electromagnetic fields with wide range of frequencies, including microwaves. The Chinese scientist Dr. Kanchen found experimentally in 1961 in China that microwaves with frequency 11 GHz change the type of species. This article is a serious warning that the new microwave technologies (used in our fast internet, cellular phones and TV) when shifting to higher and higher frequencies for faster and faster internet will reach the frequency 11 GHz, which will change our DNA, turning us to a different type of species. Unfortunately, in the US we developed these technologies without studding their effect on humans. For that reason, in the US we don’t have any regulations about what should be the maximally allowed safe intensity and frequency of the fields used in these technologies (we have regulations only for ionization radiation). We need to correct this as soon as possible.

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