
The article is devoted to the formation of a versatile harmoniously physically developed personality, ready for active creative self-realization in the space of universal human culture. The article discusses the health-improving orientation of table tennis lessons among students. Table tennis is one of the means of physical development, increasing the role of physical culture in the upbringing of student youth, health promotion, increasing in the volume of physical activity of students, developing their physical qualities and improving physical fitness, instilling skills in a healthy lifestyle Training efficiency depends on the degree of rational organization of closeness of employments, optimal dosage of loading, account of individual features of stu-dents. Depending on these factors and stage of preparation, employments can be conducted by means of different organizational forms (group, individual, frontal forms of training). The work of the table tennis section contributes to the development of basic physical qualities, the formation of vital motor skills and abilities, the development of coordination abilities and special psychophysical qualities, such as reaction, attention, thinking. The game contributes to the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality, aimed at long-term preservation of a high level of general performance, upbringing of positive personality traits, collective interaction and cooperation in educational and competitive activities. The main advantage of table tennis is that it is a game. The game can be viewed as a kind of model of the elements of real life, reproducing the practical behavior of a person within the boundaries of predetermined conditions.


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Мета дослідження: Вивчити ефективність настільного тенісу у оптимізації психофізичного здоров'я студентів. Під час гри в настільний теніс людина безпосередньо на обмін ударами витрачає лише третину ігрового часу. При грі в настільний теніс організм відчуває навантаження аеробного характеру, що мають оздоровчий та терапевтичний ефект.

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