
Abstract. The article discusses the possibility of solving one of the urgent problems in the system of professional training of future physical culture teachers - the formation of skills and abilities of practical exercises fulfillment in the disciplines of the sports-subject block. Relevance. It is caused by the observed tendency of lowering the level of motional-coordinating readiness of students entering the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports. Problem. It is conditioned by the need to improve coordination abilities as a factor providing high-quality mastering of practical material and the formation of professionally important skills and abilities of gymnastic exercises fulfillment. The goal of the research was to develop a methodology for the conjugate development of coordination abilities in practical gymnastics. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: – to substantiate the need for the development of coordination abilities among female students; – to develop a conjugate methodology for the development of coordination abilities; – to show how the increased level of girl students' coordination readiness had a positive impact on the qualitative mastering of the program material on a gymnastic apparatus a beam. The research materials are presented in blocks of test items, the main research methods are the test method, the method of expert assessments, mathematical statistics and pedagogical experiment. Results and its discussion. The conducted pedagogical experiment showed an increased level of both the coordination readiness of the girl students and the technical readiness on the balance beam gymnastic apparatus. Conclusions and conclusion. The implementation of the scientifically grounded method of conjugate influence in the educational process allows not only to increase the level of coordination readiness of female students, but also to master the program material of practical lessons better.

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