
A study was conducted to evaluate the possible effects of Prosopis cineraria botanical extracts on Callosobruchus chinensis development. To stop the test pest from invading green gram seeds, extracts from the bark, fruit, and leaves of the plant P. cineraria were investigated as remedial treatments. In this study, the term "rate of development" refers to the amount of time it takes for a pest insect to emerge as an adult. The effectiveness of the botanical preparations was assessed in terms of the adult insects' delayed emergence from the infected seeds. When compared to control groups, which had a mean rate of development of 26 days, the treatment with plant extracts dramatically accelerated C. chinensis pace of development. A 39.67-day maximum was recorded when using 10% bark aqueous extract. The rate of insect development was also slowed down by all 10% preparations, 5% aqueous leaf extract, 5% aqueous suspension, and 5% aqueous bark extract. Based on the promising study results, it was determined that this tree's leaf extract, which is widely accessible in the dry regions of the Indian subcontinent, might be utilized as a cheap, safe, and convenient grain protectant, particularly for domestic usage.

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