
The liquid-encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) growth of In-doped GaAs from 3 kg melts in a Melbourn high-pressure puller has resulted in low-dislocation, large-diameter crystals. Post-growth boule annealing at 950°C for 18 h is found to be an effective stress-relief treatment. This allows high wafer yields, comparable to those from undoped GaAs crystals to be obtained from In-doped boules, with the added advantage of greatly improved uniformity in electrical properties. These substrates are semi-insulating, thermally stable ( ρ ≥ 10 7 ω cm and μ H ⩾ 5000 cm 2/V · s with a ± 10% or better radial uniformity), and contain low residual impurity concentrations ( ⩽ mid-10 15 cm -3) as determined by secondary ion mass spectroscopic (SIMS) analysis. In this study the effectiveness of various concentrations of indium in reducing the dislocation density in GaAs have been explored. A comparison of the thoretically calculated thermal stress experienced by a crystal during LEC growth, with observed reductions in dislocation etch pitch density, indicate an apparent 28-fold increase in the critically resolved shear stress (CRSS) of In-doped over undoped GaAs for 8 x 10 19 cm -3 In in the solid. Polished substrates obtained from these crystals show minimal subsurface damage, believed to be related to the increased hardness of this material, and are now approaching high-quality silicon wafers in this respect.

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