
Abstract Two species of entomogenous nematodes were applied 23 Sep to a sheep pasture for control of green June beetle. Plot size was 10 by 10 ft and replicated 3 times in a completely randomized design. Treatments were applied in 2 liters water with a sprinkling can and irrigated within 20 min of application with 11.3 liters water (pH 8.14). Environmental and soil conditions at treatment time were as follows: air temperature, 79°F; ground surface RH, 84%; overcast during application with 0.5 inches of rain about 30 min after application; soil temperature (2 inches), 73°F; soil moisture, 23.4%; soil pH, 5.5; organic matter, 2.8%; rainfall during trial period, 3.88 inches. Treatments were evaluated at 38 DAT by treating the entire test area with Sevin SL at 6.0 lb (AI)/acre and counting beetle grubs on the surface of each plot 24 h later.

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