
The distinctive properties of the Advanced Polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs) have gained substantial attention in several arenas. However, conventional nanoparticle synthesis methods often involve the use of hazardous solvents and energy-intensive processes, which can contribute to environmental concerns. To address these challenges, progressive techniques have emerged, aiming to prepare advanced polymeric nanoparticles in an environmentally sustainable manner for green chemistry applications. Each technique is analyzed in terms of its potential to minimize environmental impact, reduce waste generation, and enhance the sustainability of advanced polymeric nanoparticle synthesis. The article highlights the importance of adopting these progressive techniques to advance the field of green chemistry and promote the development of eco-friendly advanced polymeric nanoparticles for various green chemistry applications. Finally, it discusses the future prospects and challenges in implementing these techniques on an industrial scale, paving the way for more sustainable and eco-conscious practices in advanced nanoparticle synthesis.

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