
In the modern working reality, the term Digital Nomad refers to professionals who work remotely via the internet and initially the phenomenon was treated simply as a modern way of life that includes continuous travel and travel away from the place of permanent residence. But since travel is a key part of nomadic life, it is now important to understand the potential of digital nomads as tourists. In a highly competitive international tourism environment, the utilization of Digital Nomads can prove to be an extremely important advantage. As this audience grows constantly, the major tourist destinations around the world are claiming their share. The growing enthusiasm of workers for travel combining work and leisure is gradually being addressed by the policies of countries that are trying to work out and amend rules on residence permits and taxation. Finally, a research on correlation coefficient is realized by the authors. According to the research findings, Nomad Tourists spend time and activities in the destination and in favor for the destination. There is a close (r = 0.62) correlation between activities and spending time in the destination. Also, from the questionnaire a number of tourist digital nomads activities are resulted, indicating that nomads participate in local activities (for example cultural activities) even if their job is offered in another place or country. From this point of view, tourist nomads participate in local development in the destination.

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