
This research aims to investigate the relationship between urban resilience and urban mega-events and to gain a deeper understanding of the ways in which effective planning, sustainable development, and social capital can be utilized to enhance urban resilience. The research will seek to explore how urban mega-events can be planned in ways that not only have significant economic impacts but also promote strategies for enhancing resilience in cities. To investigate the relationship between urban resilience and mega-events, a systematic review of the existing literature (2500 articles) was carried out. To investigate the relationship between urban resilience and mega-events, a systematic review of 2,500 articles was conducted. However, it should be noted that the limitations of qualitatively reviewing such a large number of publications must be acknowledged. Therefore, the review process involved differentiating between keyword analysis and systematic literature analysis for identifying success factors and good practices. Subsequently, eleven articles on different aspects of urban resilience and mega-events were subjected to lexical analysis (text mining) in order to measure and quantify the sentiment expressed in the articles. It is acknowledged that the number of articles included in the corpus is limited to 11. However, efforts have been made to ensure that the sample is representative of the wider corpus, with articles selected according to the following criteria: theme, keywords, and bibliometric search results. A hierarchical analysis was also employed to group the articles into comparable groups. The results of this analysis provided a more comprehensive understanding of the prevailing views on urban resilience, the implications of mega-events on urban areas, and potential strategies for enhancing the resilience of cities.

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