
We have occasionally encountered patients on nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in whom double contrast barium studies revealed persistent flattening and stiffening of the distal greater curvature of the stomach. We therefore performed a study to determine the frequency of this finding in patients with NSAID-related gastropathy. Twenty-one cases of erosive gastritis, gastric ulcers, and/or gastric scarring associated with a known history of NSAID use were reviewed by two radiologists who made a joint decision regarding the presence or absence of greater curvature antral flattening. This finding was seen radiographically in five of the 21 patients (24%). Four of the five patients with antral flattening had associated erosions or ulcers in the gastric antrum. The remaining patient had antral flattening as an isolated finding. Our experience suggests that flattening of the greater curvature of the distal antrum, particularly if associated with erosive gastritis or gastric ulcers, is a useful radiologic sign of NSAID-related gastropathy.

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