
The aim of the paper is to analyse Paul Ricoeur’s idiolect in texts concerned with the(still valid) reform of the university: Faire l’Université (1964), Réforme et révolution dansl’Université (1968) and L’avenir de l’Université (1971). The research method used herecomes from cognitive linguistics, in particular from the theory of metaphor by GeorgeLakoff and Mark Johnson. Paul Ricoeur, outlining the extent of the necessary changesto be implemented within the institution of university, employs a whole range of conceptualmetaphors, including, among others, those from the language of the military (e.g. REFORMOF UNIVERSITY IS A WAR), industry (e.g. UNIVERSITY IS AN ENTERPRISE),medicine (e.g. UNIVERSITY IS A LABORATORY). Crossing language boundaries, Ricoeur offers an original conceptualization of the notion of university, thus emphasizing difficultiesencountered when describing the complex structure of the institution, its function withinthe state, and the professor–student relationship.

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