
The article deals with the question of variability – a structural and typological universal feature of most dialects, which is caused by the oral form of their existence. The subject of the study is grammatical variability, which was considered on the basis of one translocalized (transmigratory) Ukrainian microdialect of Stepanivka village, Aurgazinsky district, the Republic of Bashkortostan. The majority of the population of Stepanivka are Ukrainians, at the same time representatives of other ethnic groups live in the village too, which creates conditions for close contacts. The source of the study were the corpora of dialectal texts of coherent speech of Ukrainians in Stepanivka, recorded in 2012 during the dialectological expedition, and narratives published in the book "Ethnographic image of Ukrainians abroad" (Kyiv, 2019). The study was carried out taking into account the features of the maternal basis of this microdialect: the source for the Bashkirian Stepanivka is Slobozhansky dialect with some Middle Dnieper features.
 Analysis of the dialectal texts corpora from the Stepanivka microdialect allowed to identify invariant and variant grammatical forms of different parts of speech. Variant grammatical forms occur due to various factors: most variants, or so-called doublet grammatical forms, correspond to the dialectal norm of the microdialect, and since this microdialect is translocalized, to the original system of its maternal dialectal basis; the other ones are the result of contacts with another idiom, primarily with the Russian language. An important factor in the manifestation of grammatical variability is the peculiarities of the idiodialects of the dialectal speakers.
 The variant forms are found within different parts of speech. The verb system is the most stable to the influence of contact idioms, while there are many variants in the case system of noun parts of speech, which is the result of adopting grammatical features of contact Russian language; the analysis of the context of using of such forms testifies to their equal function with original grammar forms.

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