
The paper deals with the etymological interpretation of presumably Alanian personal names, mentioned in works of ancient historians and ancient legal documents. Earlier these anthroponyms either did not become visible to other researchers (Croat. Skorsur, Old Russ. *Валгасъ) or got another explanation in specialized literature (Goth. Kandak, Old Pol. Bagakard). Results of etymological analysis enable the author to reconstruct Alanian prototypes for four anthroponyms: Gothic Candac (in Jordan) = Alan. *Kand-ak ʻyoung manʼ < Proto-Iran. *kanta-ka-, which correlates with *kantī-ka- ʻgirl, little girlʼ; Croat. Skorsur = Alan. *skar-rasur[a] ʻthe one who chase beast, preyʼ, ʻchaserʼ; Old. Pol. Bagakard = Alan. *Kard[a]-baγ < Proto-Iran. *kṛta-baga- ʻcreated by godʼ along with inverted West. Iran. *Baga-kṛta-; Old Russ.. *Валгасъ = Alan. *wal[i]-gas, cf. Osset. wælygæs, wæligæs ‘herdboy tending lambs’.Etymological analysis is closely linked to formulation and developing of the questions of ethnic history and particularly the question of infiltration Alanian tribes in Pannonia and (at a later period) into the territory of Lithuania as part of Tatarian faction in service to the Lithuanian Duke Gediminas.Key words: etymology, word formation, derivative, prototype, Alanian.

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