
Introduction. The article analyzes six oikonyms of the modern Khmelnychchynawith the formant -yn-tsi (Verborodyntsi, Voludryntsi, Molomolyntsi, Mushkutyntsi, Putryntsi, Syrvatyntsi). The motivation of their creative foundations (group names of residents) and derived from anthroponyms (not preserved in Ukrainian names) were interesting for analysis. An etymological interpretation of the corresponding personal names is offered: *Velboroda, *Volodra, *Molomola ‹ *Malomola, *Mozgota, *Putra(ya) ‹ *Potra(ya), *Servata.
 Purpose. This paper intends to describe the primary (historical) forms of oikonyms Verborodyntsi, Voludryntsi, Molomolyntsi, Mushkutyntsi, Putryntsi, Syrvatyntsi. The study is an attempt to carry out their word-formation analysis and present the etymological analysis of the anthroponyms created for the corresponding oikonymos, and find out the motivation of their appellative semantics.
 Object of study. The author described the Khmelnychchyna’s oikonyms with the formant -yn-tsi:Verborodyntsi, Voludryntsi, Molomolyntsi, Mushkutyntsi, Putryntsi, Syrvatyntsi. The subject of the analysis is the word-forming characteristics these oikonyms, etymological (derivative and semantic) analysis of the creative anthroponyms *Velboroda, *Volodra, *Molomola ‹ *Malomola, *Mozgota, *Putra(ya) ‹ *Potra(ya), *Servata.
 Research methods. In the analysis of oikonyms, the author used a descriptive method, with which he characterizes the word-forming structure of names Verborodyntsi, Voludryntsi, Molomolyntsi, Mushkutyntsi, Putryntsi, Syrvatyntsi. The article also uses the technique of etymological analysis – etymons of creative anthroponyms are established*Velboroda, *Volodra, *Molomola ‹ *Malomola, *Mozgota, *Putra(ya) ‹ *Potra(ya), *Servata.
 Research results. The article defines possessives with the suffix -уn, basic for group names of residents, creative for oikonyms Verborodyntsi, Voludryntsi, Molomolyntsi, Mushkutyntsi, Putryntsi, Syrvatyntsi. He restored the anthroponyms created for them *Velboroda, *Volodra, *Molomola ‹ *Malomola, *Mozgota, *Putra(ya) ‹ *Potra(ya), *Servata. The etymological forms for the specified personal names were established. The motivation behind the semantics of their foundations was clarified.
 Conclusions. The author explained the original (phonetic) forms Velborodyntsi, Volodryntsi, Mozhotуntsi, Servatуntsi based on the analysis of the historical forms of the oikonyms Verborodyntsi, Voludryntsi, Mushkutyntsi, Putryntsi, Syrvatyntsi. The name Putryntsi did not undergo structural changes during its functioning. The creative anthroponyms *Velboroda, *Volodra, *Molomola ‹ *Malomola, *Mozgota, *Putra(ya) ‹ *Potra(ya), *Servata were mostly formed on local Ukrainian soil as nicknames (*Velboroda, *Volodra, *Molomola ‹ * Malomola, *Mozgota, *Putra(ya) ‹ Potra(ya)) and only the name *Servata was formed as a folk variant before the Christian Servatius. The study established the anthroponym’s etymons on the basis of etymological analysis. It is shown that these anthroponyms have a predominantly Slavic basis, with the exception of the genetically Latin name Servatius.

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