
Glutathione (GSH) has widely been known to be a multifunctional molecule especially as an antioxidant uptill now, but has found a new role in plant defense signaling. Research from the past three decades indicate that GSH is a player in pathogen defense in plants, but the mechanism underlying this has not been elucidated fully. We have recently shown that GSH acts as a signaling molecule and mitigates biotic stress through non-expressor of PR genes 1 (NPR1)-dependent salicylic acid (SA)-mediated pathway. Transgenic tobacco with enhanced level of GSH (NtGB lines) was found to synthesize more SA, was capable of enhanced expression of genes belonging to NPR1-dependent SA-mediated pathway, were resistant to Pseudomonas syringae, the biotrophic pathogen and many SA-related proteins were upregulated. These results gathered experimental evidence on the mechanism through which GSH combats biotic stress. In continuation with our previous investigation we show here that the expression of glutathione S-transferase (GST), the NPR1-independent SA-mediated gene was unchanged in transgenic tobacco with enhanced level of GSH as compared to wild-type plants. Additionally, the transgenic plants were barely resistant to Botrytis cinerea, the necrotrophic pathogen. SA-treatment led to enhanced level of expression of pathogenesis-related protein gene (PR1) and PR4 as against short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family protein (SDRLP) and allene oxide synthase (AOS). These data provided significant insight into the involvement of GSH in NPR1-dependent SA-mediated pathway in mitigating biotic stress.

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