
In the past decades, the ability of Giardia duodenalis to perform homologous recombination has been suggested, supported by the observations of genomic integration of foreign plasmids and the disruption of genes using CRISPR technology. Unfortunately, the direct study of a HR mechanism has not been addressed, which would be pertinent in a minimalist organism lacking fundamental DNA-repair elements and even complete pathways. In addition, the constant ploidy changes through the life cycle of this parasite highlight the conservation and relevance of homologous recombination in maintaining genomic stability. In this research, we analyzed different recombinable plasmid systems and their outcomes after G. duodenalis transfection, using this approach we determined genomic, intra-plasmid and inter-plasmid recombination, moreover, we examined the presence of the non-conservative single-strand annealing pathway. With the intention of corroborating that the observed processes were done by homologous recombination, we used a chemical inhibitor named Mirin, which specifically inhibits Mre11 3′- 5′ exonuclease activity, one of the first steps involved in homologous recombination and fundamental to success in repairing. Overall, these results describe the multiple recombinational substrates used by G. duodenalis to achieve HR and demonstrate the presence and use of single-strand annealing recombination.

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