
The article begins with the physics, cosmology and geometry I’ve been working on for several years (part of the present article uses paragraphs from that earlier work, so you might find them online - there are links to the earlier work on my ORCID page, orcid.org/0000-0003-2240-3743). Since the science of Isaac Newton in the second half of the 17th century, we’ve regarded gravity as the product of mass. Then early last century, Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity revolutionized understanding of gravity - and four years after that (in 1919), he published a paper titled Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles? Considering Einstein's contributions to science is enough to make us wonder if we should instead regard mass as the product of gravity. That's what the first section of this article does, via a simple mathematics which the author developed for his own comprehension of various sciences, and which he calls vector-tensor-scalar geometry. The second section proposes that the entire universe (as well as everything in time) is digital in nature, being composed of electronics' binary digits that enter a shortcut through time (a wormhole) in our far future and build the Mobius strips, figure-8 Klein bottles, and adaptive Wick rotation composing space-time. (This section also provides a quantum explanation of the superflow in supersolids.) The final third section speaks of bandgap implants in the brain, and unites them with the first two parts. Then gravitational fields play an essential - indeed, formative - role in the structure of all types of plus its strong and weak nuclear forces. In an extension of Morpho butterflies' ability to selectively add and delete of light, this enables the implants to selectively add and delete wavelengths of matter e.g. in future, electronic genetic engineering. Union with the digital universe means surgery will one day be unnecessary to obtain an implant - it'll simply be a downloaded program.

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