
Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a family of important drug-metabolizing enzymes, conjugating endogenous and exogenous compounds. Genetic polymorphisms result in the inter-individual variability of GST activity in humans. Especially, human GSTT1 and GSTT2 null alleles are associated with toxicity and various cancers derived from chemicals. Cynomolgus macaque, a nonhuman primate species widely used in drug metabolism studies, has molecular and enzymatic similarities of GSTs to the human orthologs; however, genetic polymorphisms have not been investigated in this species. In this study, resequencing of GSTT1 and GSTT2 in 64 cynomolgus and 32 rhesus macaques found 15 nonsynonymous variants and 1 nonsense variant for GSTT1 and 15 nonsynonymous variants for GSTT2. Some of these GSTT variants were distributed differently in Indochinese and Indonesian cynomolgus macaques and rhesus macaques. For analysis of functional relevance of the GSTT variants, 1-iodohexane and dibromomethane were determined to be suitable substrates for cynomolgus GSTT1 and GSTT2. However, the conjugation activities were roughly correlated with GSTT protein levels immunochemically quantified in cynomolgus liver samples with no statistical significances, implying the contributions of the GST genetic variants. Among the GSTT1 variants identified, the animals carrying R76C and D125G mutations showed lower conjugation activities toward dibromomethane than those of the wild-type in liver cytosolic fractions. Moreover, the recombinant R76C/D125G and D125G GSTT variant proteins showed significantly lower 1-iodohexane or dibromomethane conjugation activities than those of the wild-type protein. Therefore, inter-animal variability of GSTT-dependent drug metabolism is at least partly accounted for by GSTT1 and possibly GSTT2 variants in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques.

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