
The article has been proposed a generalized definition of the concept of “economic security of the region”, which takes into account the points of view of most researchers and provides its comprehensive presentation. In the course of the study, a semantic analysis of 24 existing definitions of the concept of “economic security of the region” was carried out by highlighting in each of them a generic concept and essential features. The analysis showed that in most definitions the concept of “state of the region’s economy” is used as a generic concept. The analysis showed that in most definitions the concept of “state of the region’s economy” is used as a generic concept. The following are most often used as essential features that allow us to define the concept of “economic security of a region” as a separate type of concept “state of the region’s economy”: sustainable development, development stability, rational use of resources, preservation (increase) of the quality of life, integration into the country’s economy, protection of the interests of the population, economic independence, use of competitive advantages. As a result of the analysis, a generalized definition of the essential feature “development sustainability” in the context of an extended view, it is proposed to define how the state when the economic system is able to maintain equilibrium, despite the influence of crisis phenomena and processes, internal and external threats. The generalized definition of the essential feature “development stability” in the context of the extended view is proposed to define how the state when the economic system functions in a state of equilibrium, keeping its structure unchanged, and providing conditions for improving the quality of life and safety of man and the environment. Based on the results of the analysis, a generalizing definition of the concept of “economic security for the region” is proposed, which provides a comprehensive vision of this phenomenon and covers most of its existing definitions.

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