
Research on Islamic civilization shows that gastrointestinal diseases are rooted in social lifestyles and are a sociological phenomenon. The science and craft of medicine evolved to such an extent that Muslim physicians presented a set of general rules in medicine, including gastroenterology, including Ibn Rushd in his book Generalities in Medicine. One of general laws of medicine in Middle Ages was about the functioning of gastrointestinal tract in relation to disease and health. In this general law, the systematic relationship between digestion and place, including village and city, time of year and days and hours of day and night, age of people, pollution and air pollution, is regulated in health table. By referring to this limit, one can choose food that is useful for maintaining health and also be safe from diseases. Spread of health is legacy of Islamic medicine in Middle Ages for world of science, which can be used even now. In this general law, occurrence of all diseases is due to digestive problems and incorrect choice of food. He considers urban lifestyle in nutrition as cause of all diseases. In Islamic medicine, there is a direct relationship between food and its type of digestion and lifestyle to maintain health. According to Ibn Khaldun, who has introduced himself as a commentator on works of Averroes who invented eight hundred years ago the “Trophology and “Ecotrophology” which developed in Europe in second half of twentieth century, was ago, Ibn Khaldun as sociologist studied issue pathology of nutrition from propht to averroes and interoduced hypotheses in nutrition about view of Islamic civilization and writes: Urban diet style is cause of disease: 1. Wrong food composition. people of city add all kinds of ingredients and condiments to food and produce dozens of indistinct forms of food and fruit that are not recognizable to human temperament. 2. Inactivity among city dwellers. 3. Stinking air and air pollution 4. Overeating and starting to eat new food before digesting t previous food Research hypothesis is presentation of a panoramic image of human nutrition knowledge of Qur’an by human maker, which is a firm image and in accordance with reality and there is a firm and definite logical relationship between gastrointestinal tract and food and health that can be plotted in a quantitative graph in Islamic civilization.

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