
According to statistics, the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) increased. GERD has become an urgent problem of pediatric gastroenterology. Among children and teens 6 to 18 years with disorders of the digestive system a third of patients detected endoscopically positive form of the disease.Its leading symptom is heartburn, sour taste in the mouth, chest pain and discomfort, caused to otolaryngology organs as a result of extraesophageal reflux disease and as a result of smoking.Prevalence of the disease in the general population in the world is high enough – from 7% to 20%. Most patients who do not go to the doctor treated independently (called «telephone» reflux); patients who often go to the doctor – with complications of GERD (peptic ulcer of the esophagus, bleeding, scar structures) – called «hospital» reflux.GERD is caused by a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Failure of functions caused by decreasing sphincter tone and increasing the duration of its spontaneous relaxations due to aggressive factors. There are two variants of the disease: endoscopic positive and endoscopic negative when at normal endoscopy cannot detect any changes in the esophagus mucosa. According to world literature, endoscopically negative variant is found in about 60% of all cases of GERD.Risk factors for GERD that are relevant to teens are caffeinated products, smoking, alcohol and low alcohol drinks, which lowers the tone of the LES and causes damage effects on the esophageal mucosa.Conclusions: h ealthy lifestyle, refusal of bad habits – smoking, drinking of alcohol and low alcohol drinks by teens, improves the quality of life for patients who had clinical symptoms of GERD in past.The urgency of promoting healthy life lies on the fact that the teenager himself must understand the usefulness of adult advice, and should make choice by himself.

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