
Background: TFR in Indonesia since 2002 stagnanted at 2.6. CPR trends Indonesia are increasing but most short term family planning methods. The use of female sterilization contraception in Indonesia is only 2.3%. The female sterilization in Banten province is ranked lowest in Java. Objective: to obtain a description of the user behaviour of sterilization contraception Methods: The design of this study was a RAP (Rapid Assessment Procedure). The informant were 12 wife EFA who used and did not use female sterilization and 14 key informants. Data collection used in-depth interviews and document review. Data is analyzed with content analysis. Result: Behaviour of contraceptive use of female sterilization in Puskesmas Pamulang working area due to medical indication. Support factors include better knowledge, confidence in contraceptive use, positive attitudes and perception of pregnancy risk. Enabling factors include service availability of services and distance perceptions to contraceptive services do not affect contraceptive use, and the cost is affordable and they have access to good information. Reinforcing factors include husband support and advice from doctors. Conclusion: Behaviour of contraceptive use of female sterilization in Puskesmas Pamulang working area due to medical indication. Supporting factors are knowledge, attitude, perception of pregnancy risk, belief, and husband support. Inhibiting factors are expensive cost perception, lack of access to information and lack of support of health workers (PLKB and Midwife).

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