
Quality of life can be determined by the individual's perception of his current life, including his health condition. Among occupational diseases, degenerative diseases are the first cause of death, and metabolic syndrome is one of them. This study aims to describe the quality of life of pre-elderly workers (45-56 years) with the risk of metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia) at PT. X. The research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method. Data was collected by interview method and the results of medical check-up documents. The results showed that the respondents rated their quality of life quite well. They judged that his current physical condition was quite good. Respondents do not know that their current health condition can trigger degenerative diseases in the future if sedentary behavior is still ignored. Five of the seven respondents still do not exercise regularly and three of the seven respondents are active smokers with cigarette consumption of 3-20 cigarettes/day. The seven respondents did not pay enough attention to their food intake. Psychologically, respondents perceive their mental condition is very good, they perceive the work environment as a very comfortable place to build social relationships. More metabolic syndrome related support programs at PT X need to be offered to increase workers' awareness of their health status.


  • Quality of life can be determined by the individual's perception of his current life, including his health condition

  • This study aims to describe the quality of life of pre-elderly workers (45-56 years) with the risk of metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia) at PT

  • The results showed that the respondents rated their quality of life quite well

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Journal of Natural Sciences

Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Pekerja Pra Lanjut Usia (45-56 Tahun) Dengan Sindrom Metabolik Di PT. Abstrak Kualitas hidup dapat ditentukan oleh persepsi individu tentang kehidupannya saat ini, termasuk kondisi kesehatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan gambaran kualitas hidup pekerja pra lanjut usia (45-56 tahun) dengan risiko sindrom metabolik (obesitas, hipertensi, hiperkolesterol dan hiperglikemi) di PT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden menilai kualitas hidup mereka cukup baik. Mereka menilai kondisi kesehatannya saat ini secara fisik cukup baik. Responden tidak mengetahui bahwa kondisi kesehatannya saat ini dapat memicu penyakit degeneratif di kemudian hari jika perilaku sedentary masih diabaikan. Responden mempersepsikan kondisi mentalnya sangat baik, mereka mempersepsikan lingkungan kerja sebagai tempat yang sangat nyaman untuk membangun hubungan sosial. Kata kunci: Kualitas Hidup; Sindrom Metabolik; Pekerja Pra Lanjut Usia (Lansia)

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