
It is often more difficult to find a way towards peace than it is to wage war. This has certainly‐proved the case in the Middle East in particu‐lar on the issue of Arab‐Israeli rela‐tionship. But many other problems beset the region Jordan has played a key role in putting forward practi‐cal and moderate proposals towards security issues Here Crown Prince El Hassan explores the current Mid‐dle East security situation high lighting increased militarisation and economic difficulties; which have contributed to ongoing tensions. He backs proposals to create security umbrellas in form of new coopera‐tive bodies, for example an Organi‐sation for Cooperation in the Middle East arguing that a framework needs to be put in place with which to solve existing problems father than wait and hope for resolution. The peace negotiations must be fully concluded but issues such as agree‐ment between Istrael and Syria as well as the situation in the Gulf should not be obscured He con‐cludes that the Middle East is at a cross‐roads and those who can must work to make long term peace a reality to avoid the other terrible alternative.

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