
Introduction. This research paper focuses on the phenomenon of intertextuality which is studied on the basis of the articles of American socio-political magazines. The aim of the study is to identify the types and techniques of intertextual inclusions, which contribute to the formation of the depth of the integral semantic content of the texts of publicist discourse. The relevance and scientific novelty of the work stem from the need to study the functions of intertextual inclusions in non-fiction discourse. In this case communicative, axiological and pragmatic functions are considered to be the leading ones in linguistic and non-linguistic expressions.Methodology and sources. Fragments of journalistic texts expressing intertextuality were selected by means of sampling. The sources of intertextual inclusions were revealed with the help of explanatory and linguacultural dictionaries and internet-resources. The analysis of intertextual inclusions and definition of their functions were carried out taking into account the genre and stylistic typology of the texts, the direct linguistic and socio-cultural context.Results and discussion. Intertextual inclusions in publicist discourse imply the existence of associative links between the source text and the recipient text. The identification of these links helps to extend the meaning of the information shared and to make it more comprehensible. The sources of intertextual inclusions in the American publicist discourse are both those of the world culture − Ancient Greek myths, the Bible, classical English literature and national − texts of the US presidents’ speeches.Conclusion. The main purpose of incorporating source text elements into a recipient journalistic text is to fulfil informative, manipulative, axiological, predictive, and other functions. The degree of influence of the conveyed information depends on the cognitive base of the addressees, their general cultural competence and their ability to establish associative links between the reported and the implied. Due to their emotional tone, intertextual inclusions are an attractor that organize the text’s semantic structure. They let us consider a journalistic text as a unified semantic and communicative-pragmatic integrity.

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