
Topicality. This scientific article presents the results of research on the functioning of the components of a reflexive-active environment of interaction and coordination of business processes based on digital platforms.Aim and tasks. The purpose of this study is to develop proposals for the functioning of the components of a reflexive-active environment of interaction and coordination of business processes based on digital platforms. The tasks are: the study of the components of the reflexive-active environment; determination of directions for further transformational changes; study of the network readiness index and Ukraine in it; introduction of the digital platform "E-business environment"; identification of problems in the further development of digital platforms and development of ways to solve them.Materials and methods. This study was carried out on the basis of the introduction of such methods as: analysis and synthesis, comparative method, classification and analogy, method of scientific knowledge and methods of empirical research. Data of the Statistical Service of Ukraine, materials of scientific publications and researches, own scientific developments were also used.Research results. The functioning and interaction of the components of the reflexive-active environment are considered, which consists in: improving the quality of the implementation of relationships between the subjects of entrepreneurial activity and the components of the reflexive-active environment of interaction and coordination of business processes by components; introduced subject-object approach; recommendations for the creation of a digital platform for subjects of the business environment (using the example of "E-business environment") and the development of the principles of its functioning; legal and regulatory regulation of digital platforms; institutional support for the transformation of the business environment; development of directions for further digital transformation and transformation of business processes.Conclusion. In the further transformation based on digital platforms, it is important to increase cooperation according to the levels of management (local, regional, national, international, global); establishing harmony between the legal framework and the regulation of legal issues in the digital environment; ensuring interconnection of registers and digital services with universal access to information; development of measures to improve digital literacy and e-learning among the population; spread of information society and electronic readiness in all districts and regions of the country with appropriate technical support; creation of state digital platforms or platforms with the participation of the population in the processes of local and national management, decision-making, spending of budget funds, provision of electronic services; creating conditions for improving the quality of life through electronic services and access to digital knowledge.

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