
Topicality of the problem raised in this article is determined by insufficient representation of J. Barnes’ creative phenomenon, in particular his prose translation studies analysis, in the Ukrainian philological science. Complex nature of the postmodern belles-lettres discourse elucidation has been conditioned by its intertextuality and genre heterogeneity of its text parts. Non-linear narration together with the intricate combination of discourse samples belonging to various genres and styles in the text framework. Thus, the realistic illusion is made by means of its consideration from the psycholinguistic point. The latter concerns conceptual opposition emphasis as well the separate units stressing. An illusion is also made of the discourse parts reference to different psycho-emotional dominants; the latter generates the text versatility interpretations. In the analyzed work of fiction inversion (in combination with other stylistic means) performs semantic (plot-forming) and stylistic (expressive and pragmatic) functions. Inverted word order with an emphatic do is used for the subject elements emphasis; the negative inverted statements intend to intensify certain semantic components stressing in micro- and macrocontextual structure; inverted sentences with an introductory there were applied to emphasize and describe the depicted world picture components as the personages’ psycho-emotional state indicators. The final analyzed sample provides a vivid example of the above. The emotive colouring has been achieved by actualizing expressive means belonging to different language levels; especially frequent is the use rhetoric questions and statements. The key feature of the translated text has been focused on rendering the functional and stylistic parameters of the source text into the target language. The compensatory means applied in the target text comprise inherent and adherent expressive elements of different language levels, punctuating marks intending to convey the belles-lettres text melodic sounding, and lexical units belonging to various registers.

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